Breathwork is a form of energy healing where we allow ourselves to take ownership of our own natural ability to heal ourselves. Breathing in and out is an autonomic action that preserves our life however, we can sometimes take advantage of this natural state and create scenarios where it puts strain on our physical condition. Do you know that shallow breathing, is a signal that our body is under stress or apnoea is caused through constriction of the passageways. These are obvious questions, however until we take notice and focus on our breath, these unguarded behaviours continue, and potentionally alter patterns of our future health.
Once we decide to take ownership and work with our breath, we enter into an area of awakening. There are various types of breathwork teachings, from the powerful cleansers from yoga practises to the deep explorative methods of holotropic or wim hof method.
In a safe and relaxing environment, I can take you through a 40 minute session that can assist you to reach deep into your own power, illuminating, unblocking cleansing and opening you up to new realms of self-awareness.
- 60 min£40